My story is similar to @pale.emperor's one. Two sisters are invited in at a door. The man sits them down while silently plotting how to kill/dismember them in the most grotesque way possible. As he goes to get up to get a knife from the kitchen, he feels glued to the chair, as though an invisible hand with supernatural strength is holding him down from the shoulder. An angel was protecting the sisters.
So... let me get this straight. The psycho killer is unable to commit a gruesome murder. So he then goes on to share his story and motives and supernatural encounter with the public/news outlets? Alas, as a child hearing this Witness folklore, I lacked the insight to ask such a question. Instead, I marveled at how protected we are by Jehovah's spirit creatures. Spirit creatures who fail to protect innocent children from being raped by elders. The Holy Spirit needs an HR intervention.